The Psychological Response to Family Estrangement

Recently, there has been a flurry of articles out of Psychology Today regarding family estrangement. In recent times, family estrangement has become more common and not for abuse or anything like that but seemingly no reason. The consensus among the psychological community seems to have been to use liberal hyper-individualism and to emphasize the “rights”Continue reading “The Psychological Response to Family Estrangement”

The Abolition of Love

In recent months, ABA has come under a lot of fire. For good reason too but this article is not to detail the harm it causes but the philosophy behind it and a lot of special needs programs. At a certain degree of conditionality, love ceases to be love and is just liking someone. ThereContinue reading “The Abolition of Love”

Bullying, Stupidity, and Epistimes

Working in the disability field, bullying is a topic that comes up very often and the surprising aspect of it all is that despite this being the 2020s and bullying no longer being close to cartoon stereotypes, that is still where the discourse is. It is still football players giving wedgies to nerds and IContinue reading “Bullying, Stupidity, and Epistimes”

OnlyFans, Olivia Dunne, and the Dystopia of Contemporary Hottness

Recently, Olivia Dunne has made headlines after her fans got stalky and rabid. Now, the online discourse has surrounded the stupid debate between “boys will be boys” and she is selling her body online and she is a vulnerable woman and this shows how scary men can be. No girl, obviously, deserves to be rapedContinue reading “OnlyFans, Olivia Dunne, and the Dystopia of Contemporary Hottness”

Approches to Disability: Kafka’s The Metamorphosis versus The Phantom of the Opera

Without question The Phantom of the Opera is far more popular and I would say that a part of the reason is that its answer is easier for the audience. Erik is a violent sociopath stalking his sexual obsession and he follows a literary archetype of someone who society has wronged turning to the darkContinue reading “Approches to Disability: Kafka’s The Metamorphosis versus The Phantom of the Opera”

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Cognitive Biases and the Rebirth of History

Are humans capable of ending history? No. While many macro political decisions can be assigned to why liberalism began to crack but some of them were the people. To use one example, people naturally want the low-density, auto-centric, suburbia and they also become alienated, friendless, suicidal, and nationalist when they get that because, in theContinue reading “Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Cognitive Biases and the Rebirth of History”

Nordicist Norms

In recent years, there has been a shift from the friendlier and warmer more traditionally American style intercourse in America to a Nordic style cold, unfriendly, and distanced intercourse. It is a trend I am deeply opposed to. Now, as a political person, I like Nordic social democracy, but I don’t like their culture andContinue reading “Nordicist Norms”

Freud’s Pleasure Principle, Courage, and Cowardice

May 1st, 1917 was among the most important days of The Great War as it was the biggest day of the famous French mutinies. Ninety-three years and four months later, I was in my high school gay-straight alliance. What those events shared was the refusal to face danger. Much has been said about the emotionalContinue reading “Freud’s Pleasure Principle, Courage, and Cowardice”

How to Run a Special Needs Ministry

My first piece of advice when running a group for people with special needs or any mental health condition is contrary to the typical rhetoric surrounding these things in contemporary culture. The first rule of safe spaces are to set boundaries and expect delicacy. That’s a problem for the obvious reasons that when handling mentalContinue reading “How to Run a Special Needs Ministry”

Clubtown: The Ridiculous Non-Innocence of Charleston, South Carolina

Watching Trevor Noah, I would often notice him saying things like “You know when you’re out in the club” as if it was normal to party like a frat boy for everyone. He, nor his ilk, or much of the pop culture, purveys the gentler culture. Poetry slams, improv shows, period dress-up parties, and moreContinue reading “Clubtown: The Ridiculous Non-Innocence of Charleston, South Carolina”